Thursday, December 12, 2013

How I see (or hear) Music

Music is a pretty big part of my life. Although I have never played an instrument in my life, other than messing with a drum set or two, I do have a great appreciation for the music that I enjoy listening to. I take an interest in all aspects of a song, from the beat to the lyrics to the music video and everything in between. Music can change my mood and influence certain thoughts, and that is one of my favorite things about it. I love that if I have a bad day or something I can just put on my music and zone out and my mood will be fixed. The vibes from the music take me away from whatever may be bothering me at that time, which gives it a medicinal effect in a way. Whether I am listening to music and being crazy with my friends, or just chilling at my house with my headphones in, music almost always has some type of role in what I'm doing. Not only do I love listening to music, I really enjoy discussing it with other people. Me and my friends often debate over music and discuss different artists. What does music mean to you? What is your favorite genre and/or artist?


  1. I know what you mean, i listen to music all the time (rap is definitely my favorite genre) no matter what mood i'm in music just helps make me feel better.

  2. I love music too! It is better than medicine, I mean medicine tastes really bad so..
    I like all kinds of music really! There really is no preference for me, so yeah! :) Deep blog post dude. x

  3. I agree, music is also a very big part of my life and I couldn't imagine my life with out it. It has helped me through tough times and I also agree with Cindy, it is better than medicine! I don't know how artists do it but they are able to make a song that connects so many people together and I think that's the most beautiful thing about music.
